Tuesday, May 3, 2016

It's Super Woman! It's Super Mom! No, it's just me!

So much to do with no time to do it all!
All this in one day! ONE DAY!

I know you ladies feel me! We have so much on our plates and we keep adding more. We add to the list because we don’t know the n- word. What is it again? That’s right, NO! My hands can hardly type it. Or we may add to it because we feel like we have to. After all, every other woman we know or see on TV and social media is doing it all. 

There is the trap right there! Everyone else is doing it!

How many times were we asked growing up, or do we ask our own kids, “Just because everyone else jumped off a bridge would you?” You may be wondering why this question. It’s not like we are talking about making bad choices by following the crowd doing drugs or anything. Well, actually, it kind of is.

It is following the crowd by making poor choices for our unique callings as moms, wives, friends, women. It’s trying to do what we THINK every other woman is doing. Guess what ladies? We are not all the same. We are not all called to the same tasks.

Some of us are called to be moms; some are not. Some are called to be Pinterest Queens; some not so much.  Some of us are to be wives; some are not. Some of us lose weight easily; others do not. Some are called to work outside the home; some are not. Some of us are extremely organized; some not at all.

All of these things are good and it takes all of us to make this world go round.  But when we all try to fit into each other’s mold we all fail. We fail because we forget who we are uniquely created to be. We start to compare ourselves to others. We wonder how they can do it all and be it all when we feel like we can barely keep our head above the water. This causes us to lose our confidence and strength. This is a gut-wrenching, lonely place to be, yet so many of us are living it every day.

I say no more! Let’s leave this desperate place! Let’s remember who we are and whose we are! We are not called to be it all or do it all. We are called to be who we were created to be. It’s perfectly okay if that means we can’t be just like our sister, best friend, or mom. Actually, it’s even better! That means we can work together to accomplish the tasks we have been given.

Our confidence and worth should not come from this world and what we accomplish. It should come from God.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “ For we are God’s handiwork, created in Jesus Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” His handiwork! I love that!

It makes me think of a builder. He spends time working out his plans for his creation. Then he skillfully sets out to form it into something more than a thought in his head and details on paper. When he finishes he looks at it proudly with hope of it fulling every purpose he intended it for, but NOT to be abused or used wrongly. He expects it to be cared for so that it lasts and is cherished by everyone.

That’s what we are to God. That’s how He intended us to see ourselves. That’s how he intended us to see others. That’s where our confidence should come from!

As women of God we should not be worried about being Super Woman or Super Mom. We should only be concerned with belonging to Super God!

He has carefully crafted us and prepared us for our individual purpose in His plan. So have confidence in Him. Only concern yourself with the tasks He has called YOU to today. Don’t worry if that looks different from others. Embrace it! Because then you know you are living the life God has planned for you. There is so much freedom in that!

Father God,
You are the Master Crafter! You have crafted me in love and care. You have made me special and unique for Your plans in my life. Lord, help me to seek Your will for me today and every day. Help me to see myself as You see me. Your handiwork! Help me to quit comparing myself to others and embrace the beauty I have because I am Your daughter. Open my eyes to other women I can help with their tasks because of our differences. Thank You for the confidence I have because I am Yours!

In Jesus holy name, Amen!