Thursday, April 14, 2016

Stay Focused!!!!


I’m hollering this at my daughter as I type! She’s supposed to be in the shower, however she is practicing her leaps in the bathroom with the water running. As a matter of fact, I am constantly telling my kids to focus on something. If you are a parent, teacher, coach, or anyone else who spends time with kids, you share my pain in this.

If a child is not focused at school, their grades suffer or they get in trouble. Lack of focus in a sport causes them to not excel and could cause them to be injured or injure others. Most of the time at home it’s just an annoyance to us as parents, because it means they are not listening to us or following our commands.

Lack of focus causes a number of issues!

However, it’s not just kids that need the constant reminder to focus. It is also our spouses, friends, and even ourselves. As a matter of fact, it has taken me a lot more time than I want to admit to write this. Why? Because I can’t stay focused! I’ve been yelling, “FOCUS!” to myself as well.

There are different kinds of focus, too. There is focus on a task. Focus on what the real problem is. Focus on the good. Focus on the need. Lots and lots of different ways to focus!

Why is it such a problem for us to focus on these things? Because it means taking the attention off ourselves and putting it elsewhere. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, yet it so difficult for all of us. We all fall victim to it at some point simply because we are human. We drop our eyes from Christ and focus on our surroundings instead.

Take Martha for example. She kept her focus on her house and mad hospitality skills. All while her sister, Mary, was sitting at the feet of Jesus with her full attention on Him. When she got upset, Jesus used it to bring Martha’s focus back to Him. (Luke 10:38-42)

There is also King David who was briefly distracted by a pretty sight bathing and lost his focus. His attention turned from God’s calling to David’s desires. It lead to lying and death. God sent Nathan to show him his sin and help him turn his focus back to God. (2 Samuel 11-12)

What about Peter? He stepped out of a boat in the middle of the lake with strong winds and waves all around. He walked on the water towards Jesus until he lost focus. He was distracted by the wind and waves and took his eyes off Jesus out of fear. Jesus still reached out and brought Peter’s focus back to Him. (Matthew 14:22-33)

There are numerous stories like this in the Bible. But it is not just those people of long ago that lose focus on Jesus. We do it, too! We do it out of busyness, fear, complacency, worry, grief,  pretty shiny things, etc. When this happens we begin to sink like Peter. Hopefully it is brief, but it is never without consequences.

Martha’s was bitterness with her sister and losing valuable face time with Jesus.

David’s turned him into a murder and cost him the life of his first son.

Peter’s was almost drowning and, I imagine, great guilt when he realized his lack of faith in the moment.

The beautiful part of all of these stories is grace! In each instance God could choose to turn away. Instead He calls them out and gives them the chance to refocus on Him. He does the same for us! He gives us opportunities to repent and refocus!

After Jesus predicts His death a second time, Luke 9:51 says, “As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Some versions say, “set His face to go to Jerusalem.” In other words, He was focused! Jesus knew His calling. He set His face to it and didn’t get distracted by fear, pretty things, worry, grief, or even the easy way out. All of His attention was on the cross! Not on Himself or His immediate desires. His focus was on you!

Right after focusing on Jerusalem, Jesus shows us the cost to follow Him.  (Luke 9:57-62) A man says he will follow Jesus wherever He goes and Jesus reminds him He has no real home on this earth. He calls another man to follow Him who replies that he will as soon as he buries his father. Another ask to go say goodbye to his family first. But in verse 62 Jesus says, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

Jesus shows us that to follow Him means focus! Focus on Him, on His task, on His love! It’s about our attention turning to God and building His kingdom instead of attention to self. It’s about keeping our eyes on Him so we stay on the task at hand.

If we are going to follow Jesus we must turn our faces to the cross just as He did!

Last Thursday night, we were all doing our task before bed and all 5 of us ended up in the kitchen. Justin’s task was loading the dish washer. Sara Beth’s was taking her medicine. Gavin and I were sorting laundry. Honestly, I can’t remember what Barry was supposed to be doing, maybe helping Justin.  Barry and I were talking about something and got so tickled. So much so he spewed the water he had just taken a sip of almost right on top of Justin! That got all of us, except Justin, laughing uncontrollably. It was a great family moment! You know the ones, where you are all laughing and taking turns saying silly things so you keep laughing until your belly hurts and you can hardly breathe.

Still, with all of this going on, Justin did not seem to realize we were even in the house. He didn’t laugh, look up, or even slow down working on those dishes. We all began to pick at him a little trying to get his attention and make him join in the fun. It just didn’t work.

I got a little frustrated that he was missing out on this laugh fest. So as soon as he finished the dishes I asked why he was ignoring us. He looked up bewildered.

 “I didn’t hear any of that going on. I’m sorry. I was just focused on getting the dishes finished.”

As I laid down for bed the whole story started running through my mind. I realized I want to be more like Justin. I want to be so focused on my task to share Christ that I do not even notice the other things around me. With my eyes on Jesus I want to take the attention off me and put it on others. Loving others and making disciples for Him!

I hope this is your desire, too. To stay focused on God! To stay focused on the cross! You may feel like you are sinking at some point, but remember, there is grace. Just refocus!

 As long as you keep your eyes on Jesus you can walk on water!

Let’s pray for each other to stay focused. Pray the distractions will not be seen or heard. If you see a friend that is distracted help them refocus. Show them the same grace and love God has shown you.


  1. Great reminder, Jessica! In today's world, staying focused is quite a challenge. Thank you for posting this!

  2. Great reminder, Jessica! In today's world, staying focused is quite a challenge. Thank you for posting this!
