Monday, June 27, 2016

Suspicisious Characters

Y'all, it's up! You can now check out my first podcast here. Now that it is up and going I hope to podcast a lot more. You can subscribe to my podcast on iTunes from the link or by searching Defeating the Comma. By doing this you will never miss one.

The first podcast is "Suspicious Characters". It is a short, funny story about how my eyes were opened to how we focus on our fear instead of God. I hope you enjoy it! For those of you that do not have iTunes I'm sharing the draft for this podcast.

The cops were called on us! Two of my friends, Jackie and Jennifer, and I had gone to a Tuesday night movie. When it was over, we were not ready to go home. There was plenty left to talk about still and we had not finished solving the world’s problems.

We decided to sit on the patio of a local fast food restaurant to finish our conversations. About an hour later a cop drives by really slow penetrating us with her looks. We thought it was odd, but just waved and smiled as she drove by. She pulls into the parking lot next to us and continues to keep a close eye out.

We did what all girls do when we have free time away from our husbands and kids, we continued to gab. A few minutes later we hear two employees in a panic.

“I told the police these people won’t leave! They are totally freaking me out!”

As I look around to see who the mischievous delinquents are I realize it’s us. We are the only ones there. The three of us with our Christian t-shirts, yoga pants, and our running-out-the-door hair are the cause of the cops and total terror of these two employees. I admit, I was not wearing make up and that can be scary. However, invoking enough fear that they called the cops seemed a little much.

It turns out they were closed and wanted us to leave. We had no idea. They never asked us to leave or mentioned they were closing. As a matter of fact, the conversation about them calling the police was the first we had heard anything from them.

Obviously, we left, but not without a good laugh! As funny as it was, I couldn’t believe that we intimidated anyone that much. I felt a little bad. We would have left immediately if we would have known. All they had to do was tell us they were closing and we needed to leave. Instead, they chose not to speak up and let their fear that we were there to harm them take over.

As I thought about this later I realized we all do this entirely to often. In times where we could quickly and simply call on our heavenly Father for help in a situation or ask Him to guide us we wait until we are desperate. We try to figure it out ourselves, handle the problem on our own, until fear is guiding us more than God. When we are finally desperate enough we call out to Him. More times than not, He brings swift peace and takes control.

You know, we are not that much different than Jesus’s first disciples. Luke 8:22-25 tells us the story of Jesus calming the storm. As a kid hearing this story I solely focused on the coolness that Jesus told the storm to be still and it did. That was enough to make it great. However, as I’ve gotten older and really look at the full story I see too much of myself in the disciples. I see the two employees from my story in the disciples. You will probably see yourself in them too.

At this point, the disciples have seen Jesus heal many, teach, forgive, and even raise a man from the dead. Jesus told the disciples to get in the boat and cross to the other side of the lake. He was tired and fell asleep. That’s when the storm came. It was bad and they did all the could to keep control of the boat and keep it from sinking, all while Jesus slept on the front even with all the waves crashing in on them. They are terrified! They forget that Jesus told them to go this way. They forget all the miracles they have already seen Him perform. They don’t even try to wake Him up to help until they are certain they are going to sink. Then they wake Him in a panic!

“Master, Master, we're going to drown!”

Jesus gets up, tells the wind and waves to be still, and they stop. All is calm. It was that easy! All they had to do was ask Him for help. If they would have done it at the beginning they would not have been full of fear.

It's easy to look at the disciples in this situation and think, DUH! They had seen Jesus do all these amazing things, but they let fear tell them He would let Himself and them drown. How could they be so naive? How could we be so judgemental studying them when we do the same so often.

We have seen as much or more of Jesus and all He can do than the disciples did. Yet we still wait to call on Him until the fear has taken over us. We tend to look at situations in our lives and let everything but God tells us what is going on. This is the kind of thinking that makes us fear three moms in their Christian t-shirts and yoga pants talking on a public patio on a Tuesday evening. This is what makes us wait until we are about to drown in the storm before asking Jesus for help.

This may not be your everyday response to things. I hope not. I hope that most of the time you are talking to God, asking Him for guidance and help even before the storms arise. I know we all have times that we fail at this. Sometimes it's because we have been too comfortable and forget God has been in control of our situations. That tends to make us complacent. Sometimes it's because we are blindsided by something so big we just start trying to shovel the water out of the boat first. It really doesn’t matter what the reason is. All that matters is when these commas, or storms, start to blow we call on Jesus. With big faith!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Don't Leave Me!

Hello all!

 I know there are a few of you that check my blog, but are not on social media to follow me there. I didn't want you to think I was MIA.

 I'm very excited to tell you I've recorded my first Podcast! It has taken my a while to get it uploaded. It went through yesterday after a week of trying. I'm now waiting on iTunes to approve it for subscription. They said it can take anywhere from 24 hours to 2 weeks. I'm hoping for closer to 24 hours. As soon as it is up I will post the link here.

Those of you that know me know talking is much easier than writing for me. I'm hoping that I can podcast quicker and more often than I can post a blog. I will still blog some. However, I am trying to prepare for my conference and meeting with publishers in July. So I need all my writing time to go to that.

In preparing for the publisher appointment and writing my book I do not want to leave all of you waiting. That is not fair. You are the reason I am writing this book in the first place. That is why I thought the podcast may be a good way for us to stay connected.  It should be easier for you too. You will be able to download it and listen anytime, anywhere!

The podcast may start out a little short and basic, but as I get the hang of it they will improve more and more. I've also got a friend who is willing to work on some special intro music for it! I can promise some laughs, awkward moments, and encouraging words on each of them. I may even do an interview once in a while. Please reach out with any thoughts, advice, or whatever.

Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Oysters and Heart Attacks

Oysters are a favorite in our house. My daughter, Sara Beth, and I love them with a little hot sauce! Some days, out of nowhere, she will say, “This day would be perfect if we just had a few oysters” and I have to agree. They scream “BEACH!” Our most cherished place.

They seem like such simple creatures and I guess they kind of are. But, oysters have a unique feature that makes them valuable and beautiful. They make pearls! The way they do this is amazing! There is a lesson in it for us.

When an oyster gets a grain of sand or any other debris inside its shell it starts to cover it with a substance called nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Nacre is the same substance that forms its shell. Layer by layer it continues to cover the invader forming the pearl. The oyster does not do this so we can have pretty necklaces and earrings. It does it for protection. As it covers this foreign object in its body it is guarding its organs, including the heart, from being irritated or injured.  Is that not the coolest thing?!

There is no reason to guard something unless it could be attacked. One type of comma we must defeat is a  spiritual heart attack. These can creep on us quickly and quietly. Maybe only giving you a twinge of discomfort, but if left unchecked they will completely breakdown the function of the heart. This will cause much more than a nuisance. It will cause great pain, frustration, sadness, and even anger or resentment.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverb 4:23

It is easy to look at this scripture and think all we have to do is isolate ourselves from sin. Ha! If it were only that easy! Often, I hear people use this verse to talk about what we should or should not watch on TV or listen to. Even who we should hang around. Yes, I do feel it is important as Christians to be selective with those things. However, even the most careful of us are going to be exposed to foul language, sexually inappropriate behaviors, and more.  

We are called to share the grace, mercy, love and sacrifice of Christ to anyone and everyone who do not know Him. This means going to them where they are. It doesn’t matter if it’s at work, school, the side of the road, in another country, or in a prison. We are to be there. We are to share.

If you are trying to reach a world of sinners to share the love of Christ you are going to encounter sin. Period.

We can still guard our hearts in those situations. We just need to be like an oyster. Covering debris, or sin, that gets in with the One who formed us through repentance, prayer, His Word, worship, and fellowship. This allows Him to protect us from heart attacks.

Do you feel like you have too much trash in there to cover right now? Then ask Him to help you start over. He will! It doesn’t matter if there is little or lots, all we have to do is ask Him and repent. Pray this scripture. Mean it! Believe it!

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

If you do not know God as your personal Lord and Savior, I pray that you will come to know Him soon. He is the only way to a healthy heart. If you want to know more about this please send me a message or find a trusted friend or pastor. I want you to know the grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love only God can give, that is the only way to truly cover up and protect from the sin that creeps into our lives. The result is even more beautiful than a pearl.

Let’s defeat the comma of spiritual heart attacks!