Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Oysters and Heart Attacks

Oysters are a favorite in our house. My daughter, Sara Beth, and I love them with a little hot sauce! Some days, out of nowhere, she will say, “This day would be perfect if we just had a few oysters” and I have to agree. They scream “BEACH!” Our most cherished place.

They seem like such simple creatures and I guess they kind of are. But, oysters have a unique feature that makes them valuable and beautiful. They make pearls! The way they do this is amazing! There is a lesson in it for us.

When an oyster gets a grain of sand or any other debris inside its shell it starts to cover it with a substance called nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Nacre is the same substance that forms its shell. Layer by layer it continues to cover the invader forming the pearl. The oyster does not do this so we can have pretty necklaces and earrings. It does it for protection. As it covers this foreign object in its body it is guarding its organs, including the heart, from being irritated or injured.  Is that not the coolest thing?!

There is no reason to guard something unless it could be attacked. One type of comma we must defeat is a  spiritual heart attack. These can creep on us quickly and quietly. Maybe only giving you a twinge of discomfort, but if left unchecked they will completely breakdown the function of the heart. This will cause much more than a nuisance. It will cause great pain, frustration, sadness, and even anger or resentment.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverb 4:23

It is easy to look at this scripture and think all we have to do is isolate ourselves from sin. Ha! If it were only that easy! Often, I hear people use this verse to talk about what we should or should not watch on TV or listen to. Even who we should hang around. Yes, I do feel it is important as Christians to be selective with those things. However, even the most careful of us are going to be exposed to foul language, sexually inappropriate behaviors, and more.  

We are called to share the grace, mercy, love and sacrifice of Christ to anyone and everyone who do not know Him. This means going to them where they are. It doesn’t matter if it’s at work, school, the side of the road, in another country, or in a prison. We are to be there. We are to share.

If you are trying to reach a world of sinners to share the love of Christ you are going to encounter sin. Period.

We can still guard our hearts in those situations. We just need to be like an oyster. Covering debris, or sin, that gets in with the One who formed us through repentance, prayer, His Word, worship, and fellowship. This allows Him to protect us from heart attacks.

Do you feel like you have too much trash in there to cover right now? Then ask Him to help you start over. He will! It doesn’t matter if there is little or lots, all we have to do is ask Him and repent. Pray this scripture. Mean it! Believe it!

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

If you do not know God as your personal Lord and Savior, I pray that you will come to know Him soon. He is the only way to a healthy heart. If you want to know more about this please send me a message or find a trusted friend or pastor. I want you to know the grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love only God can give, that is the only way to truly cover up and protect from the sin that creeps into our lives. The result is even more beautiful than a pearl.

Let’s defeat the comma of spiritual heart attacks!

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