Friday, June 24, 2016

Don't Leave Me!

Hello all!

 I know there are a few of you that check my blog, but are not on social media to follow me there. I didn't want you to think I was MIA.

 I'm very excited to tell you I've recorded my first Podcast! It has taken my a while to get it uploaded. It went through yesterday after a week of trying. I'm now waiting on iTunes to approve it for subscription. They said it can take anywhere from 24 hours to 2 weeks. I'm hoping for closer to 24 hours. As soon as it is up I will post the link here.

Those of you that know me know talking is much easier than writing for me. I'm hoping that I can podcast quicker and more often than I can post a blog. I will still blog some. However, I am trying to prepare for my conference and meeting with publishers in July. So I need all my writing time to go to that.

In preparing for the publisher appointment and writing my book I do not want to leave all of you waiting. That is not fair. You are the reason I am writing this book in the first place. That is why I thought the podcast may be a good way for us to stay connected.  It should be easier for you too. You will be able to download it and listen anytime, anywhere!

The podcast may start out a little short and basic, but as I get the hang of it they will improve more and more. I've also got a friend who is willing to work on some special intro music for it! I can promise some laughs, awkward moments, and encouraging words on each of them. I may even do an interview once in a while. Please reach out with any thoughts, advice, or whatever.

Stay tuned!!!

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