Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The 5 Shoes: Pumps

We are going from steel toe boots to pumps! They are designed to elongate the legs, giving us height.  They make us shorties stand a little taller next to others. They are often worn to parties, special occasions, or work. Basically, they are worn in times we want to feel empowered or stand out.
Have you heard the saying, “Heels are a girl’s best friend”? Well, in our spiritual walk this could not be more true! It’s not always just one friend either. It can be your tribe!

They are there to speak life and truth to you, and you do the same for them. You encourage, remind, hold accountable, love (even in the seeming impossible times), cry, laugh, and act completely silly with each other. All of which lift you up and empower you. You may even have crazy nicknames for each other like Soupy, or inside jokes about being mermaids that cause this uncontrollable smile and strength to swell up when you hear it. We desperately need these pumps in our lives! We also need to be these pumps for others.
The Bible is so full of scripture on friendship. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” As Christians it is vital to have friends who help keep us sharpened and ready to take on life. These friends hold us to the truth of God’s Word, and constantly remind us that we are capable and equipped.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8. I’m beyond blessed to have pumps that love me deeply! They overlook my mistakes and failures no matter how bad they are. They love me in spite of them! They love me like Jesus does, and forgive me even when I may not deserve it, or may not have even asked. This pours Christ into me in such tangible ways.

Pumps always encourage and build you up. Often this is through sharing scripture, prayer, and words of affirmation. Sometimes it’s through a funny meme or gif sent via text message. It could also be a hot tea or Reese’s Cups delivered to your door. It can be done simply or extravagantly, but it’s done often. “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

I could share many more, but we would be here all day!

Y’all, we need each other on this journey! We need the love of godly friends. We need to be that love to friends. The unselfish, wholehearted, deep love! So pack your pumps. Better yet, pack several. You need them and they need you!

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