Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The 5 Shoes Series

I had a phenomenal time a little over a week ago worshiping with 250 women at the W.O,W. conference! I was blessed to speak to them about shoes. Our spiritual shoes. I was looking forward to coming straight home and quickly starting a blog series on these shoes as well. As life goes, a few commas popped into my week and I was not able to start it. Now that those are defeated, I am back and ready to share!

The theme verse for the conference was Isaiah 52:7. " How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'"

That is a great verse, isn't it?! I mean, anyone who is doing all the things in that verse has got to be the best! But beautiful feet? Really? It's hard for me to understand that wording sometimes. You see I suffer from podophobia. Otherwise known as fear of feet. This is not a clinical diagnosis. However, I assure you that it is true. I do NOT like feet. They are the form of torture my husband and kids choose to use against me whenever possible. They  make me cringe when brought up in conversation and can keep me off Facebook for days if I see them scrolling through. 

There is a solution: shoes! Shoes fix this problem. I love shoes! They are so beautiful! They cover up the feet. So when I think of this verse I think of the shoes they are are wearing as they bring good news, proclaim peace, bring good tidings, proclaim salvation, and say "Your God reigns!" 

This got me to thinking about the shoes I wear in my walk with God. My spiritual shoes. I quickly realized I need more than one pair.

Our entire life is a spiritual journey. We are either walking closer to God or further away everyday. Sometimes the terrain changes. So we must make sure we have the right ones when we need them. If we don't the ones we wear could get worn out, break, hurt our feet, and just make us stop and give up. This should not be an option for God's children. We must be prepared.

Our spiritual journey takes a lot of work because it is just that, a journey. When we become followers of Christ we must follow Him! We must follow His example and follow His call. That means we must know God's Word, study it, memorize it, and make it apart of our daily lives. Just as Jesus used scripture when tempted by Satan to overcome, we can and must too. (Luke 4: 1-13) We must share the gospel just as Jesus told us to in Mark 16:15-16. We must also love! Jesus loved big and He loved all! The New Testament is full of His examples of love. But the greatest example is His death on the cross as a final sacrifice for your sin. My sin. Everyone's sin. He loved us that much! (Matthew 26-28)

I came up with 4 shoes to always have with you and 1 to never take. I'm sure you could add many more, but these cover pretty much everything. Over the next week I will be introducing you to each shoe and how it is used. Tomorrow will be the first one. Want a hint? Everyone is starting to wear these everywhere! Of course there are a few of you who probably wear them all year. Come back tomorrow to see if you guessed right!

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